How Do Advertisements Affect Consumer Behaviour?
Do you ever get the feeling that internet advertising knows more about you than you would think? Have you ever questioned why you're being presented a product ad, only to discover afterwards that you're the type of person who would want to buy it? If this is the case, the adverts that show on your screen were most likely behaviourally tailored. Behavioural targeting selects advertisements that marketers believe will appeal to you based on your unique online activity - clicks, searches, social media, what you've bought and browsed. Here Is How Advertisements Affect Consumer Behaviour: Predictive Ability Behavioural targeting grew in popularity during the next decade, thanks to advancements in monitoring and prediction. The behavioural targeting technique was standardized to create user profile scores based on recency, frequency, and intensity of clicks, which decide to advertise, according to a patent submitted by Yahoo! in 2006. Target appropriately brought the predictive...